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STRIDA Bicycle PDF Manuals

STRiDA Bicycles Quick Start Guide PDF
STRiDA Bicycles Quick Start Guide PDF
STRiDA Bicycles Quick Start Guide PDF.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 7.2 MB
STRiDA C1 Bicycle User Manual PDF
STRiDA C1 Bicycle User Manual PDF
STRiDA C1 Bicycle User Manual PDF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.8 MB
STRiDA Foldable Bicycles Owner's Manual PDF
STRiDA Foldable Bicycles Owner's Manual PDF
STRiDA Foldable Bicycles Owner's Manual
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.1 MB

STRiDA bicycle

History of Strida Bicycles

Some STRiDA Foldable Bicycle Manuals PDF above the page.


Strida is a folding bicycle designed by the English engineer and designer Mark Sanders, who previously worked for the notorious Rolls-Royce company.


While studying at the Royal College of Art in Great Britain, Sanders presented the first folding bike in 1984 as the prototype of the Strida.


The first Strida bicycle rolled off the assembly line in 1987. The frame of this bike quickly became recognizable due to its “A” design.


As conceived by the creator, Strida bicycle was created specifically for those who have to make a daily route: home - work - home, with additional movement by public transport.


In 25 years of presence on the market, Strida bicycles have won many prestigious awards and prizes.

Now these bikes are being produced in the fifth generation, each time becoming more and more perfect.


That is why ease of use, transport and maintenance is not just an incredible advantage of the Strida folding bikes, but their calling card!


With your bike folded down, you can simply roll it alongside you. Depending on the model, the weight of the Strida bike ranges from 8.8 to 10.2 kg.


Another advantage of the Strida folding bikes is the presence of a drive belt that does not require lubrication like a regular bicycle chain.


Until now, most Strida bikes come with just one speed, an aluminum triangular frame and disc brakes, making them simple to build and enjoyable to use.